sudo apt install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade
hop mise a jour !
Openbox est un gestionnaire de fenêtres extrêmement rapide, souple et agréable. Cette interface graphique minimale est cohérente à plus d'un titre. Très légère, elle se suffit à elle-même et permet également d'accélérer considérablement la réactivité de Gnome lorsqu'elle remplace Metacity. Elle n'a pas de tableau de bord par défaut, mais il est possible d'accéder aux fenêtres avec le raccourci alt+tab, ou en ajoutant un tableau de bord personnalisé.:-) Openbox est un outil puissant qui n‘a de limite que l‘imagination de l‘utilisateur !
Partitioning Scheme for SSD
Better leave all read-only files on SSD and use hard disk for everything else should clarify which parts of the filesystem tree can be read-only: moving /usr to read-only would be the most significant thing (greatest space required) I guess but you have to ensure it is remounted as required when doing apt-get install or remove. See that page for more info.
Le serveur SVN de l'équipe de dev de ma mission est sous NATTY !!!
Ubuntu 11.04 The Natty Narwhal (le narval chic) 28 avril 2011 28 octobre 2012
Même pas Lucid !! du coup:
dois-je faire un update du source.list à la main ??
Arf !! je pars me pendre...
une "bible" de grub sous gentoo très utile pour les autres distributions également ;)
Videos en bleu sous Ubuntu et Youtube ?
D'abord, ouvrez un terminal et tapez:
sudo mkdir /etc/adobe
sudo gedit /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
Maintenant, vient de surgir dans le fichier vide, entrer:
EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode = 1
OverrideGPUValidation = true
Enregistrez le fichier, fermez-le et redémarrez votre navigateur: maintenant, tout sera ok!
Solution 2
Si la solution ci-dessus ne, ouvrir un terminal et tapez:
sudo rm /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:Tikhonov/misc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libvdpau1
Et redémarrez votre navigateur. , essayer:
CD /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/sudo-pi.bak perl-e 's/libvdpau/lixvdpau/g'
Maintenant, redémarrez votre navigateur.
Dire que je fais cette manip au moins 3 fois par an et que je recherche 30% à chaque fois sur le net car je suis pas fichu de me taper une procédure...
installer et mettre à jour virtuabox sous ubuntu ;)
creer un fichier dans /etc/apt/source.list.d/ (par ex /etc/apt/source.list.d/debian-virtualbox.conf
et ajouter dedans:
deb precise contrib
deb precise non-free
puis executer:
wget -c
sudo apt-key add oracle_vbox.asc
et enfin:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1
voici un site qui référence des thémes pour enligthment, moi qui vais tester la E17 sur precise pangolin... je vais pouvoir tester...
et l'install sous precise:
je vais me tester notamment:
Bodhi Linux un systeme linux clean simple avec peu de chose d'installer
et à base d'ubuntu et enlightment.
A tester surtout quand je vois les screens...
et un très bon article de présentation (English inside)
Documentation francophone pour la distribution Ubuntu
In this article I outline how to install and use the Google Desktop application on Ubuntu. This includes installation, quick-tips and even includes Picasa!
JDownloader est un gestionnaire de téléchargement écrit en java. Il vous permet de télécharger des fichiers de divers hébergeurs (megaupload, rapidshare, etc…) avec ou sans compte premium.
HOWTO: Set up VNC server with resumable sessions Outdated Tutorials & Tips
HOWTO: Set up VNC server with resumable sessions
This howto is old, unsupported, and relies on a broken package. This should be used as reference only.
So here's the complete list of steps that are required to set the VNC server that any user can login into and start a session. It is also persistent, meanning that even if you disconnect the VNC client your X session will not end (unless you explicitly log out) and you can reconnect to the same session again. The VNC server uses a separate display (:1) than your regular X server, which works with your physical display (:0). So two sessions can be active at the same time (one person sitting at the physical display and another remotely connecting using VNC).
Note: Before doing the next step, you need to make sure the extra repositories (e.g. universe) are enabled:
sudo apt-get install vnc4server xinetd
Note to AMD64 users: The current version of vnc4server in the repositories has a bug, so you need to download and install the fixed vnc4 packages as shown below:
sudo dpkg -i vnc4server_4.0-7.3_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i xvnc4viewer_4.0-7.3_amd64.deb
sudo vncpasswd /root/.vncpasswd
sudo gedit /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc
Enter this into the new file:
service Xvnc
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/bin/Xvnc
server_args = -inetd :1 -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -once -fp /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc -DisconnectClients=0 -NeverShared passwordFile=/root/.vncpasswd
port = 5901
sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd stop
sudo killall Xvnc
sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd start
vncviewer localhost:1
You should be prompted for the VNC password, and then see the GDM login screen where you can login and start a new X session. If that works, you can now go ahead and try to connect from remote machine using your favorite VNC client (remember to first close the local vncviewer we started above). Remember to use the VNC server machine's domain name or IP address, followed by :1 (e.g. If connecting locally as shown above works, but connecting remotely fails, then this means you have a problem with a firewall which is blocking some ports. See the notes below about how to deal with that.
Note about ports: The VNC server set up as shown uses TCP port 5901. If you are using firewall software (e.g. firestarter) on that machine, you need to allow incoming connections on this port. If you are using a router which assigns your machine a private address (e.g. which is not accessible from the internet, then you need to forward TCP port 5901 from the router to this machine.
Note about security: This setup allows any user to start an X-session remotely by logging in using his regular password (after starting the VNC connection using the VNC password), so if the user disconnects without logging out, any other user which knows the VNC password can connect afterwards and resume the same session that the first user started. So if you do not want to log out before disconnecting, it's advisable to at least lock your VNC X-session screen. Also note that while a remote user is connected thru VNC, no other connection will be accepted. An idle VNC client will be disconnected after one hour, but this can be changed by using the "-IdleTimeout" option in the server_args line in /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc. For example, you can add "-IdleTimeout 300" to change it to 5 minutes.