Tiens je vais tenter de compiler cela sur ma VM ARM...
déjà ça a besoin de OCalm et Neko
Build process
To build rspamd we recommend to create a separate build directory:
$ mkdir rspamd.build
$ cd rspamd.build
$ cmake ../rspamd
$ make
Alternatively, you can create a distribution package and use it for build your own packages. Here is an example for debian GNU Linux OS:
$ mkdir rspamd.build
$ cd rspamd.build
$ cmake ../rspamd
$ make dist
$ tar xvf rspamd-
$ cd rspamd-
$ debuild
How do I create a container?
The basic work flow to creating a container is simple:
Build rootfs --> Import container --> Use Container
Creating the rootfs
You can use all sorts of tools to create the root FS as well.
Brian's example used Buildroot to create a root FS and that's what I'll do here.
pour pouvoir mettre à jour votre build insider si vous aviez fait "machine arrière"
If you previously had a new Windows 10 preview build installed in your computer and then you reverted back to an older build, you'll lose access to the new build and it'll no longer be offered as an upgrade option. If you want to install that build again, deleting that build number from the list at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability\RecoveredFrom key in Registry Editor will restore the ability to upgrade. Thanks to our reader "thedicemaster" for this info...
1) se rendre à l'adresse
2) récupérer l'url de la dernière version du SDK pour linux, actuellement:
3) faire en ligne de commande sur la machine cible
( wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r24.2-linux.tgz )
4) décompresser l'archive récupérée
tar xf ARCHIVE
( tar xf android-sdk_r24.2-linux.tgz )
5) mettre à jour les sdk déjà présent (attention LONG) accepter les licences :
cd android-sk-linux
tools/android update sdk --no-ui
6) lister les packages pour installer les build tools:
android list sdk --all
7) installer les build tools (prend le numéro de paquet dont le numéro de build tools est le plus grand) accepter les licences
tools/android update sdk -u -a -t "num paquet"
( tools/android update sdk -u -a -t 3 )
VOILA ! dans le répertoire build-tools vous devriez avoir un répertoire du numéro de la version du build-tools qui contient tout les outils pour compiler et décompiler les applications android ;)
( build-tools/22.0.1 )
PS: testé sur un VPS :x
Get GnuWin32 at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory. GnuWin32 provides Win32-versions of GNU tools, or tools with a similar open source licence. The ports are native ports, that is they rely only on libraries provided with any 32-bits MS-Windows operating system, such as MS-Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT / XP
Check this list before open a thread about "What version run in mine PC?" Last update: Dez/16/2008 ------------------------------------------