Running Docker in Alpine Linux running in QEMU on Windows (64 bits) - Running Docker in Alpine Linux running in QEMU on Windows (64 bits)
This document explains how to set up an Alpine build environment in a chroot under a different Linux distro, such as Arch, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, or Ubuntu. Once inside the chroot environment, you can build, debug, and run alpine packages. The guide can also be used to install Alpine Linux from a non-Alpine Linux livecd such as Ubuntu or System rescue CD.
This example installation of Alpine Linux in a chroot will work with the lastest release. But it's also possible to make a chroot with edge or older releases of Alpine Linux to test backports.
You can also use script alpine-chroot-install that simplifies this process to just two commands. This script is useful especially on CI environment (e.g. Travis CI).
j'ai fait une petite modification d'un github pour avoir mon image de 2Mo d'alpine avec serveur ssh (pratique pour des images docker toutes petites)
Copy the from your workstation to your dockerhost.
On the dockerhost create a volume to keep your authorized_keys.
tar cv --files-from /dev/null | docker import - scratch
docker create -v /root/.ssh --name ssh-container scratch /bin/true
docker cp ssh-container:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
For ssh key forwarding use ssh-agent on your workstation.
ssh-add id_rsa
Then the start sshd service on the dockerhost (check the tags for alpine versions)
docker run -p 4848:22 --name alpinearmhf-sshd --hostname alpinearmhf-sshd --volumes-from ssh-container -d alpinearmhf-sshd
docker run -p 4848:22 --name alpinearmhf-sshd --hostname alpinearmhf-sshd -d alpinearmhf-sshd
docker exec -ti docker-sshd passwd
ssh to your new docker environment, with an agent -i option is not needed
ssh -p 4848 -i id_rsa root@<dockerhost>
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